Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jenn and Tom arrived yesterday and they brought Billy Rae and Miley.

Eric and Elizabeth came and we had a big dinner.

Tom played Blazing Aces on Wii and surpassed me within two hours!! I will have to work on that game.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today is Veterans Day 2009.

Hurricane Ida came ashore yesterday on the Florida Panhandle and the remnants of the storm are now affecting us here in Hampton. The rain started last night and has pretty much continued all the way till now. It is a pretty gray, damp, and dreary day. The TV weather news is saying that we're going to have rain all the way until Saturday and that we are actually having a nor'easter.

Applebey's and Golden Corral are offering free meals to veterans today. I thought about going out to Applebee's but this weather is not very pleasant, so I think I will stay in.

As usual I am listening to the scanner and there is a emergency situation going on in the James River. There was supposed to be a swimmer in the water and Newport News sent out investigations and so did Isle of Wight and Virginia Marine resources commission. It wasn't too long that it was discovered that these people were in a canoe and the swimmer was back in the canoe and they were headed to the Pagan River in Smithfield. It amazes me that in this technological age with nearly instant communications capabilities that we cannot communicate better with cities surrounding our own. From what I heard on the radio no one made any attempt in Newport News to contact Smithfield. I was tempted to call Newport News dispatch but I decided against it. Let them waste their gas and time if they want to and have their heads up their asses. After I heard Smithfield Fire Department had found these canoeist and were clearing the scene, I decided to go ahead and call Newport News Fire dispatch. They seemed interested in what I had to tell them and they did pass on information to command that they should call Smithfield Fire.

Through a number ways I just realized that my 16 year e-mail is no longer forwarding e-mail to me. I have over 800 e-mail messages in the queue They now want $30 a year for the service. I can keep the e-mail address but it will no longer forward the e-mail. I have a lot of work to do because I need to go through all of that e-mail to see where I need to change e-mail address to one that will forward. I am sure that there are at least 30 to 40 sites that I will have to visit to change my address.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rainy day and pretty heavy rain at times. Very unusual for this time of year.

I am off to Newport News and other errands. Went to City Hall to drop off the pictures from the Employee Fest.

Then to Plaza Azteca to drop off pictures to Hector - he was the entertainment at the Employee Fest.

And then to the sleep doctor to have my CPAP checked out. Everything is ok with the CPAP machine.

When I got home there was a message on the answering machine. It was from my cousin, Mike. My uncle Mike passed away today around noon.

Mike was 86 yo and the last of the "Greatest Generation" of my maternal family. Mike was a great guy. He enlisted in the Air Crops in 1943. He served as a radioman, dorsal gunner on a B-17 flying out of England. His B-17 was shot down over German in Oct 1944 and he spent the rest of the war as a guest of the German Luftwaffe. Mike was a real hero. On his way to bail out, he heard that the tail gunner was wounded and trapped. While wounded himself, he risked his life to help the tail gunner exit the plane. Uncle Mike will be missed.

I feel so fortunate that I got to spend a lot of time with him last year. I visited him on two occasions. It was during my second trip in December that I found out more about his "shoot down."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Went to Riverside Regional Medical Center yesterday for my pre-op labs and x-ray. It was pretty busy and I was there for nearly two hours. I sure hope my brief visit to RRMC is better than my 4 days stay at Mary Immaculate Hosp last year. It really ticks me off that I will not know the time for my surgery until the day before the procedure. Susan is supposed to take me and Joe will pick me up. Susan just started her new job and I hate to have her come all the way back from Norfolk to take me to the hospital. I sure like the valet parking at RRMC. It is so nice not to have to look for a parking space way out in the "back 40!" And, there is no tipping!

Ace Hardware called to tell me that my lawnmower was ready. The small engine guy told me that there was nothing I could do to keep the situation from happening again. You cannot buy gas in VA that does not have ethanol. Someone mentioned that gas without ethanol can be obtained in N.C.

Today was a dreary day. Overcast all day and a little rain. Not feeling so good. Sure hope I am not coming down with the flu. They would probably postpone my surgery. I hear that I am in for quite an ordeal with my shoulder surgery, but it can't be any worse than my knee replacement surgery. I am a little worried about sleeping - I have never be any good at sleeping in where other than in bed. I have heard that it is really hard to get comfortable laying flat in bed. Oh well, my easy chair is pretty comfy. I think I am going to ask for some sleep aid meds.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rained quite a bit last night, with thunderstorms. The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend with temps in the mid to low 70s. That will be nice for yard work. I have to borrow a mower cause mine is still in the repair shop. Hopefully Stretch will let me use his. I need to put down the fall grass seed.

I heard from my cousin Mike that his dad (Uncle Mike) is not doing well. Mike says - "Dad is getting weaker. He will likely be moving down to the other floor soon and out of the apartment. The fluid build up is competing with the kidneys. If they flush him too much the kidneys malfunction. He is hanging in there and goes up and down. The Tampa folks went to visit today. No report yet."
I'll call Mike later today to see if he got a report from Chris's family that visited.

I checked airfare to ORL - $164 round trip. Not a bad deal and much cheaper than driving. Of course I will have to rent a car.

Susan is teaching an acquaintance to drive.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well, Bay Days went ok. I worked the City Hall first aid site from 6pm until closing at about 10:30. Nothing really happened expect a little boy fell and had a small abrasion on this scalp.

The USAF Langley group called the Blue Aces played on the main stage. They were very good and I have made a not to try to see them again. It was weird seeing a people dance and sing while wearing BDUs.

I didn't work Bay Days on Sat.

Bay Days again on Sun from noon to closing at 6pm. Again nothing much went on - put on two band-aids! It was fun watching all the people.

I have decided that it is good not to be an ALS provider any more. I can just sit back and watch other do their thing, and help out where needed - not to be responsible!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Went out this morning and filled two two gallon container of gasoline - just in case the power goes out. The Tropical Storm is supposed to drop 2-3" of rain. I'd rather be ready.

This is IAFF MDA "Fill-the-Boot" week. I went out and took some shots of three stations working intersections.

Getting ready to go to Pittsburgh on the 5th of Sept for the Imhof reunion. I called my cousin Maggie to see if I could stay with them, but they are going out of town. I could stay with my other cousin Peggy, but Susan says the she does not have A/C. So, I went on the Internet and found that there is a USAF Inn at the Pittsburgh International Airport. I was able to make reservations for the three nights that I will be in the area.

My Review of PRO-106 39,000-Channel Digital Handheld Scanner


Always be in the know with this digital handheld scanner.

The Best

SkyPilot49 Hampton, VA 8/28/2009


4 5

Pros: Clear Signal, Lightweight, Excellent Reception

Cons: Difficult To Program

Best Uses: Emergencies, Listening to local PS

Describe Yourself: Avid Adventurer

Primary use: Personal

This is my 6th scanner and my second Radio Shack/GRE scanner. The Pro-106 is by far the best scanner I have ever had. It also has the best "ears" of any scanner I have ever owned. I am able to receive a city FD that I have ever been able to copy.

A third party programming/control software is a must because these trunking scanners are tuff to program manually.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I needed to do some things around the house today.

I noticed that the spa cover lid removal mechanism was messed up. When taking the system off, I found that the bracket by the wall was severely rusted. So, I sanded off the rust and painted with Rust-Oleum. Everything went back together, but I could not use the same screw holes.

I had an idea about refilling the spa. I connected both 100' sections of the garden hose and spread them out in the back yard. The tap water temp was 79 degrees and the temp of the water coming out of the hose was 90 degrees!!

I needed to do some things around the house today.

I noticed that the spa cover lid removal mechanism was messed up. When taking the system off, I found that the bracket by the wall was severely rusted. So, I sanded off the rust and painted with Rust-Oleum.

In order to put the cover mechanism back on, I had to drill new holes on for the from latch. It went back on ok.

I also drained the spa and put in new water.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have not been feeling well the last two days. I have horseness and sore throat.

Looks like the steroid injection is wearing off. I don't have any neck or arm pain, but I wake up with just a section of my right hand numb.

Rush Limbaugh made a great joke today:

What do Barrack Obama and God have in common?

Neither one of them have a birth certificate!

Monday, June 08, 2009

I made it through the day and finally got some sleep from about 7:30 to about noon.

I am feeling better and maybe the steroid injection is working.
Well, the day arrived and I showed up at the neurosurgeon officer at 2pm for my neck steroid injections. Now, I have had several injections into a joints in the recent past. My most recent was in my right shoulder at the orthopod. However, I am a little anxious about this one - hell an 18 gauge into your neck very near you spinal cord!

I have confidence in the doc as he is probably 65 or so, so you know he has been doing this for a while. Also, this is the first joint injection guided via fluoroscopy.

I laid down on the table in prone position and a pillow under my chest. The tech rolled the fluoroscope over to the table and it encircled me. The doc pulled his chair to the head of the table - above my head. He cleaned the area and then entered some lidocaine.

The next thing was interesting - the doc enters a catheter on needle and withdraws the needle. The he injects the steroid. There was an electrical tingling down my left arm with the cath, but I only experienced pressure with the rest of the procedure.

They had me hang around for about 15 min to make sure that I did not have any reaction to the procedure.

At home about two hours later, I started to have a headache and my right arm was hurting more than usual.  I took some Ibprofun but that did not seem to help.  Went to bed about 11:00pm but could not sleep.  Went downstairs and messed on the laptop until about 2:00am.  Still could not sleep - having a pain in my right elbow that seems to be keeping me awake.

Went downstairs again and went to work on Susan's church videos.

I did not sleep at all.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Hampton Fire Div. promotion ceremony this afternoon at City Hall.

(First of all, I am disappointing cause I am shooting with the Nikon D-200. I had to send the D-300 in to Nikon for repair. She won't focus right.)

As usually, I arrived early to make sure all my stuff was in order.

Council chambers was crowded.

I am proud of all the promotes, but some even more so as I trained several of them.


Others, well there is much to bee seen.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

My right arm and neck are still going good. I am especially happy about the lack of numbness.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I am amazed - I am nearly pain-free in my right arm and I can turn my head 180 degrees without any pain. No numbness either.

Susan and Mom left for Pittsburgh this morning. I will be by myself for at least 10 days.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sometimes I just want to throw my scanner against the wall! What happens to people when they pick up the microphone? Does all their common sense just fly out their ears? I can’t believe what I hear on the radio sometimes. For example, something I heard today:
EMS-1: "EMS-1 to Medic-10"
Medic-10: "Go ahead EMS-1"
EMS-1: "Medic-10 go to Tac-1"
Medic-10: "10-4"
EMS-1 (One Tac-1): "EMS-1 to Medic-10"
Medic-10: "Medic-10"
EMS-10: "Check your Opticom, it appeared to on when you were at the scene."
Medic-10: "10-4"
Gesh, 8 transmissions when all of this radio traffic could have been made via two radio exchanges. First of all, this could have been made on the primary channel. What, you worried about embarrassing Medic-10s crew?
"EMS-1 had to know that Medic-10 crew were in their unit or he would not have called them.)
“EMS-1 to Medic-10 check your Opticom.”
Medic-10: "Medic-10 is clear EMS-1, will do.”
All that effort for such few words that could have been exchanged in 15 seconds.
So, some will say, well what if Medic-10 had not heard EMS-1's first call. So what, you wasted 3-4 seconds. More often than not, the other person is going to hear you!
"Brevity is the key to successful communications."
Another thing: Formality and politeness should be forgotten on the radio. "Yes/no sir/mam, thanks/please, if you wouldn't mind," have no place on the radio. Say what you "have to say" and be done with it. The fire chief is not going to be offended that you did not say "Thank you, Sir" when he told you there was a hydrant in front of your fire building. "Clear Chief" would do just fine.
One more thing. There is no need to "ask for permission" or get the dispatcher's attention. Pick up the mic and say what you have to say. What do you think the dispatcher is doing? Off making a pot of coffee for the boss? No, the dispatcher is sitting at the console waiting with his/her headset on waiting for your call!
Squad-1: "Squad-1 to Communications:"
Comm: "Go ahead Communications"
Squad-1: Communications Squad-1 is returning to the station, no injuries."
Comm: "Clear"
Some people say this is wrong. Well, if it is wrong, why don't people do it ALL the time? Can you imagine the hold up if every apparatus when through this procedure when they were responding to a fire call? Seven vehicles would have to make 28 transmissions on every call. And then 28 more when they left the scene, they 28 more when they got back to the house.
Engine-10: "Engine-10 to Communications"
Comm: "Go ahead Engine-10"
Engine-10: "Engine-10 returning."
Comm: "Clear Engine-10"
Multiply that by 7 apparatus!
What's the difference form the other situation.
What really kills me is this exchange:
Medic-7: "Medic-7 to Communications"
Comm: "Last Unit?"
Medic-7: "Medic-7 to Communications"
Comm: "Go ahead Medic-7"
Medic-7: "Can you give me the run number for this call."
Have some common sense people and think before you key the mic.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I don't know if it is psychosomatic, but my arm and hand are hurting worse then ever. I saw Dave the other day and we shook hands. He squeezed a little too hard and I winced. One problem I have is wondering what part of the pain does the pinched nerve play in the pain. Could any part of this be arthritis? I am thinking about calling the orthopod and asking them to schedule an MRI on my shoulder before my July appointment.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well the MRI showed that I have a pinched nerve at C-7/T-1. This is probably causing the pain and numbness in my right arm. Dr. McAdam said that I can do one of three things - 1) do nothing, 2) have a steroid injection in my neck, 3) surgery. I don't want to rush into surgery and I certainly don't want to do nothing. So, I will have steroid injection in my neck next Monday.

I used to be pretty worried about injections into joints, but after having numerous injections in my knees and lately into my shoulder, I am not too worried about this. Dr. McAdam has been doing this for a long time and I am sure he knows what he is doing.

I had the steroid injection in my neck. It went ok but there was an "electrical" shock sensation when the doc hit a certain point.

Monday, May 04, 2009

I went to McDonald's for breakfast this morning. I forgot my newspaper so I had to buy another one at Farm Fresh - I didn't want to run back home just for the paper.

I sold a pair of boots on eBay this weekend, but I ended up getting the short end of the deal. A bidder asked how much to ship to Canada. I went on the USPS site and put in their address and it came to about $14. Some how I miscalculated and it turned out to be $26. I doubt if I will ever send anything to Canada again.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I took Susan to the airport at 10:30 am for her business trip to Nashville. Since I was in the area I went to Costco - it was the last day for their Spring sale. I spent a lot on things I probably didn't need, but I save $23!

Susan called me about 11:30 and said her plane was delayed and would not be leaving Newport News until around 3:00 pm.

When I got home and unloaded the stuff I bought at Costco, I realized that I was missing an item. I looked around the garage, and back in my truck twice and could not find the item. How could I have misplaced this item? I was thinking that someone might have stolen it from my cart while I was eating lunch at Costco or I could have left it in the cart. I thought the later was possible because I was distracted when loading the stuff in the truck when I ran into an old friend.

Later in the day, I decided to go back and check the truck one more time. This time I looked under the back seat and there was the item. Gesh!

Susan called to say that she is finally on the plane at Patrick Henry @ 5:15 pm but now they are on a weather hold because of a thunderstorm. She got in to Nashville at about 9:30 pm CT.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, my shoulder seems to be doing a little better. Of course it has only been a little over 24 hours. Will see.

I went to Sta-10 this afternoon to loan a friend my wireless mic. He needs to do some video work for his church. I also swung by Sta-6 to visit with Capt. Pereira. It is always fun to talk with Jeff. A long time ago he said he would get me a photo of himself when he had hair (Jeff has alopecia universalis.) He has changed his mind!

I then went to Mom's house and did a little cleaning in the garage.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Raining again and it will be overcast most of the day.

I wanted to go the Tea Party, but things changed and I could not make it. I took Mom to the doctor.

I headed to the orthopedic doc for my own appointment. I have been having trouble with my fight shoulder for quite some time. Whenever I do strenuous activity, my right arm is useless the rest of the day and most of the next day. There are times when I have to steer my truck with my left hand.

Well they took an x-ray of my right shoulder.

The doc say's "you have quite an impressive bone spur." This may be causing my problem, as I have trouble lifting my arm over my head. He doc gave me a cortisone injection and told me to come back in 3 months. If the cortisone does not work, then they will do an MRI to see if I have a damaged rotator cuff.
I intended to go to one of the Tea Parties that was going to be held here in our area, but some things changed and I had to take Mom to her doc appointment.

The weather is crappy again. Oh well, "April showers bring May flowers."

I have posted a bunch of things on Norfolk Craigslist trying to get some extra money for Mom and of course clear up the house. Dinning room table and chairs and the smaller keyboard. Still have to try and figure out an asking price for the big organ.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, still no sun.

I think I am gonna go mad if I don't see the sun soon!

I went to the fitness center again today and I did 26 min on the elliptical trainer. I even went up a level. I only did one set of shoulder pull down exercises cause the shoulder is hurting.

I was really embarrassed - I could not open my combo lock in the locker room. I tried 6-8 times. Eventually I asked a young guy - with much better eye sight to open my lock. What gets me is that I have done it before without my glasses on!

The sky finally cleared and that big bright ball in the sky came out around 1:30.

On the way home, I stopped at my favorite jet watching site - ask me and I let you in on it - if you can get on LAFB. It is only for runway 8. I knew there would be very little to no air traffic on Sunday, but I just wanted to enjoy the warmth and sun light. But, then I remembered that I had been cleaning our my M-in-L's house on Friday and had two boxes of .32 ACP rounds in the back seat. No firearms, but I don't need to upset the LE folks.

Gotta put another picture of Smokey here.

I know it's late and I should go to bed, but hell I am retired and I can sleep as late as I want.

Spent a lot of time outside this evening. The grass will need cut next weekend - and maybe sooner. Which means I will have to pull the mower out, change oil and crank her up. The weedeater also needs look at. Last time I used it the line got clipped of short, but that should not be too much trouble.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I woke this morning not feel so good. My right arm is really giving me hell. I guess I am going to have to see the orthopod. I went to McDonalds for breakfast. First time in a long time.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Well, Susan is home from Woodbridge. All the animals go crazy!
I went over to Mom's house today and helped Michael load the radial arm saw onto his truck. The saw will get good use at one of the city's golf courses and I will also have access to it anytime I would need it. I also sold him the small refrigerator. There were a lot of other things that he was interested in but I told him that I wanted to wait for Jennifer and Tom to have a look through the garage. Eric has already looked and put his name on couple of power tools.

I was messing with the camera the other day and Smokey was on the cat tree and I got a couple really good shots of her. Smokey appears to be very interested in what I'm doing while taking her picture. She sure is fun to have around. I love watching her chase a ball and all the other antics she does.

Susan is in Woodbridge, Virginia, she went there yesterday and stayed overnight for work. The weather today is pretty crappy, with fog and light rain.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I went to the fitness center today. I did 20 min on the elliptical trainer. Total distance was 1.31 miles and I did the first mile in 14 min. It felt good. I also worked on my shoulder - three sets of 20 reps with 40lbs.

I went by Sta-10 and chatted for a while.

I have to go over to Mom's house to clean out some more cabinets.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Eric & Elizabeth came over today. Eric changed the oil in his car. We also went through his foot locker from college and he took it home. Hurray! I have made a small dent in cleaning the garage!

I have been wanting to have the backyard bird feeder closer to this kitchen window, so I started out to move the feeder today. I first had to set a pilot hole for the feeder pole, just like you would do when drilling into wood. I used my solid cooper grounding rod to make the pilot hole. I went in about three feet. It was a bitch getting the feeder pole out of the ground - it has been in there for about three years. What I did was take a crescent wrench and rotated the pole while I pulled it up. It worked, but it took me almost an hour. Now the feeder is about 10' closer to the kitchen window and only about 7' feet from the Fla room window. This will be very close for my big telephoto lens and may in fact have to back up a little.

I took my neighbor, Mike over to Mom's house to look at the sofa. He liked it and thinks he will buy it. I took several pictures and e-mailed them to his wife. He also wants the small fridge.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's gonna be a slow day today. I am not feel well and my lower left back hurts. I did go to Ace Hardware to get the screws that I needed to fix Susan's flash bracket. This time the screws were long enough and the flash bracket extension is tight.

We are still moving stuff up stairs for Mom. I finally have the family/computer room back! I have reinstalled my "charging station" next to the photo armoire and will be moving my "stuff" back into the armoire drawers.

Duke peed in the house again today. I am gonna drop kick that dog!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I started out by bathing one of the dogs. Duke does not like me too much. I hate his barking and he is "antsy." He took the bath ok and really seemed to like warm water.

Then I work on the new wall cabinet for the guest bathroom. Mom needs a place for "things" and Susan bought a cabinet. Did not take to long to put together and hang. It looks good.

Next was a bath for Molly. She does not care for a bath at all and is always trying to get out.

I got Mom's computer set up in the "D" bedroom and transferred the scanner feed over to that computer. That computer is much newer and is a lot quieter. I could hear the fan of the old one downstairs.

We to the WaWa @ Little Creek and Chesapeake for a TFPA coffee break/fire prevention meeting. Nothing going on.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today I am going to start getting the family/computer room back in order. Also, I am going to set Julia's computer up in the "D" bedroom. I have to transfer the scanner feed over to that computer.

Mom was looking for something in the kitchen "junk" drawer. She removed the drawer from the cabinet and when I tried to replace it, I broke the guide. I had to go Ace and get a replacement guide.

Went to Mom's house and sprayed Home Owner's Agent Orange (Round-Up) over the fence into the easement. Hopefully this will kill or at least slow down those vines that grow over into the yard. If that does not work, I am going to get with the city codes compliance and find out if we can make the owner of the property do something.

Gesh, I just don't feel like doing anything today. Aches and pains from all that moving yesterday.
I started of today working on the taxes. The only thing left to do is add up all the business expenses - this is mostly receipts for prints and albums. I put together all the mileage and income. We only a little more than a half of the income as last year.

Of to the doctor at 1pm and then over to LAFB to get Rx filled.

The day is sunny and warm so it is time to get the Round-Up out on the vacant lot behind my M-in-L's. Went over there with Susan and Julia and forgot the hose. So the Round-Up will have to wait.

I moved the bed over to our house. Eric, Elizabeth, Robin, Robert and James arrived about 7pm and we started moving the chest of drawers and dresser. Everything went smooth and sure went fast with so many people helping. I am grateful for my pick-up truck.

Julia spent the first time since she has been her on Valentine's Day up stairs in her new bedroom.

Now I can start putting the family/computer room back the way it was.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The bulb for the TV came on Saturday, so it was time to install. I replaced the bulb in the TV and then headed to do some cleaning up behind the entertainment system.

I removed and shortened a lot of wires and it now looks much neater behind there. I put the TV back on the stand and plugged everything back. I hit the "On" button and nothing happened! Well, back to the Internet. There was a mention of "resetting the bulb ballast." No reset button. Back to the Internet and Google. I found a code to "reset the bulb," and it worked. Turns out that the old bulb might still have been good, so I am going to keep it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The trip home from Charlottesville was uneventful. It rained most of the way, but it was not pouring. I was able to maintain the speed limit most of the way.

When I got home, I walked in the door and put my car keys in the disk by the door as usual. They, I took off my jacket and found an additional set of keys and I said "oops!" I forgot that I had used Jennifer's car over the weekend and then forgot to put her keys back on the hook by the door at her house.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Very bad day.

Around 0700 I started to drink water like it was going away. I must have been very dehydrated.

I got up and went to the quick stop store here on the Marine base. I did not feel like eating much, but felt that I had to put something in my stomach. I got some chocolate milk and a pastry. It stayed down.

I stayed in bed all day sleeping on and off. I did watch some TV and also watched a couple of Heros episodes on Netflix. The speed of the WiFi was not that good so the Netflix feed had to pause quite frequently.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Well, I made it to Marine Corps Base Quantico and checked into the TLF. Using one of the best benefits retired military have beside perpetual health care. The building is old, but hey, what do you want for $26 a night. The room has a good bed, TV with VCR/DVD and most of all - WiFi. But, that is about all. Reminds me of single enlisted quarters from back in 1968. Only thing missing was a room mate...

I went to dinner at a great Chinese buffet near Potomac Outlet Mall. It was one of the best buffets that I have ever had. They had Maryland oysters on the half shell!

The traffic out on I-95 was terrible. Gesh, I am so glad that I don't live around here.

Off to the National Museum of the Marine Corps in the morning.

I went to bed about 2345 and then woke up about 0045 and had to run to the bathroom. I puked my guts out all morning, even made it to dry heaves. Then it started from the other end. I also ached all over and I think I had a fever. I did not feel like going to the museum or even getting out of bed. Fortunately, the TLF was not that busy and I was able to stay an additional night.

I spent all day in bed with body aches and minor fever. I did make it our two times to get something to eat. That consisted of milk and small pastries.

Fortunately, I slept a little Sun morning, but I was still out of it on Sun morning. I went and got some more milk and pastries.

I was feeling good enough to drive, so I headed home. No museum this time. The traffic south was a pain but I made it home in three hours. It was still miserable.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

I have been at Jennifer and Tom's house since Tuesday evening. Jenn had a skiing accident at Snowshoe, WV. She fractured three transverse processes bones and cracked one rib. She is in quite a bit of pain.

I arrived Tue evening. Tom and Jenn did not get in until about

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well, it's cold outside - 31. It was supposed to snow last night, but not even a dusting.

Today is the big inauguration. I could care less and will not watch even one second. I was hoping it would snow it's butt of in D.C. so the would have to hold the swearing inside. That would sure piss off a whole lot of people.

Never in the history of the US has one person been so unqualified for the position of President of the United States.

Who was B. Hussein Obama before the 2004 Democratic National Convention? A brand new US Senator from Illinois. No one ever heard of him. Ok, so he can speak well.

B. Hussein Obama is an empty suit that has no business being POTUS. He has no executive executive whatsoever.

Martin Luther King must me rolling over in his grave. Whatever happened to Martin Luther King’s dream that someday we would judge a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin? Seems the opposite is true with B. Hussein Obama. Maybe it’s the people who voted for Obama because of the color of his skin who have betrayed the legacy of Martin Luther King.

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