I think I am gonna go mad if I don't see the sun soon!
I went to the fitness center again today and I did 26 min on the elliptical trainer. I even went up a level. I only did one set of shoulder pull down exercises cause the shoulder is hurting.
I was really embarrassed - I could not open my combo lock in the locker room. I tried 6-8 times. Eventually I asked a young guy - with much better eye sight to open my lock. What gets me is that I have done it before without my glasses on!
The sky finally cleared and that big bright ball in the sky came out around 1:30.
On the way home, I stopped at my favorite jet watching site - ask me and I let you in on it - if you can get on LAFB. It is only for runway 8. I knew there would be very little to no air traffic on Sunday, but I just wanted to enjoy the warmth and sun light. But, then I remembered that I had been cleaning our my M-in-L's house on Friday and had two boxes of .32 ACP rounds in the back seat. No firearms, but I don't need to upset the LE folks.
Gotta put another picture of Smokey here.
I know it's late and I should go to bed, but hell I am retired and I can sleep as late as I want.
Spent a lot of time outside this evening. The grass will need cut next weekend - and maybe sooner. Which means I will have to pull the mower out, change oil and crank her up. The weedeater also needs look at. Last time I used it the line got clipped of short, but that should not be too much trouble.