Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sometimes I just want to throw my scanner against the wall! What happens to people when they pick up the microphone? Does all their common sense just fly out their ears? I can’t believe what I hear on the radio sometimes. For example, something I heard today:
EMS-1: "EMS-1 to Medic-10"
Medic-10: "Go ahead EMS-1"
EMS-1: "Medic-10 go to Tac-1"
Medic-10: "10-4"
EMS-1 (One Tac-1): "EMS-1 to Medic-10"
Medic-10: "Medic-10"
EMS-10: "Check your Opticom, it appeared to on when you were at the scene."
Medic-10: "10-4"
Gesh, 8 transmissions when all of this radio traffic could have been made via two radio exchanges. First of all, this could have been made on the primary channel. What, you worried about embarrassing Medic-10s crew?
"EMS-1 had to know that Medic-10 crew were in their unit or he would not have called them.)
“EMS-1 to Medic-10 check your Opticom.”
Medic-10: "Medic-10 is clear EMS-1, will do.”
All that effort for such few words that could have been exchanged in 15 seconds.
So, some will say, well what if Medic-10 had not heard EMS-1's first call. So what, you wasted 3-4 seconds. More often than not, the other person is going to hear you!
"Brevity is the key to successful communications."
Another thing: Formality and politeness should be forgotten on the radio. "Yes/no sir/mam, thanks/please, if you wouldn't mind," have no place on the radio. Say what you "have to say" and be done with it. The fire chief is not going to be offended that you did not say "Thank you, Sir" when he told you there was a hydrant in front of your fire building. "Clear Chief" would do just fine.
One more thing. There is no need to "ask for permission" or get the dispatcher's attention. Pick up the mic and say what you have to say. What do you think the dispatcher is doing? Off making a pot of coffee for the boss? No, the dispatcher is sitting at the console waiting with his/her headset on waiting for your call!
Squad-1: "Squad-1 to Communications:"
Comm: "Go ahead Communications"
Squad-1: Communications Squad-1 is returning to the station, no injuries."
Comm: "Clear"
Some people say this is wrong. Well, if it is wrong, why don't people do it ALL the time? Can you imagine the hold up if every apparatus when through this procedure when they were responding to a fire call? Seven vehicles would have to make 28 transmissions on every call. And then 28 more when they left the scene, they 28 more when they got back to the house.
Engine-10: "Engine-10 to Communications"
Comm: "Go ahead Engine-10"
Engine-10: "Engine-10 returning."
Comm: "Clear Engine-10"
Multiply that by 7 apparatus!
What's the difference form the other situation.
What really kills me is this exchange:
Medic-7: "Medic-7 to Communications"
Comm: "Last Unit?"
Medic-7: "Medic-7 to Communications"
Comm: "Go ahead Medic-7"
Medic-7: "Can you give me the run number for this call."
Have some common sense people and think before you key the mic.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I don't know if it is psychosomatic, but my arm and hand are hurting worse then ever. I saw Dave the other day and we shook hands. He squeezed a little too hard and I winced. One problem I have is wondering what part of the pain does the pinched nerve play in the pain. Could any part of this be arthritis? I am thinking about calling the orthopod and asking them to schedule an MRI on my shoulder before my July appointment.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Well the MRI showed that I have a pinched nerve at C-7/T-1. This is probably causing the pain and numbness in my right arm. Dr. McAdam said that I can do one of three things - 1) do nothing, 2) have a steroid injection in my neck, 3) surgery. I don't want to rush into surgery and I certainly don't want to do nothing. So, I will have steroid injection in my neck next Monday.

I used to be pretty worried about injections into joints, but after having numerous injections in my knees and lately into my shoulder, I am not too worried about this. Dr. McAdam has been doing this for a long time and I am sure he knows what he is doing.

I had the steroid injection in my neck. It went ok but there was an "electrical" shock sensation when the doc hit a certain point.

Monday, May 04, 2009

I went to McDonald's for breakfast this morning. I forgot my newspaper so I had to buy another one at Farm Fresh - I didn't want to run back home just for the paper.

I sold a pair of boots on eBay this weekend, but I ended up getting the short end of the deal. A bidder asked how much to ship to Canada. I went on the USPS site and put in their address and it came to about $14. Some how I miscalculated and it turned out to be $26. I doubt if I will ever send anything to Canada again.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I took Susan to the airport at 10:30 am for her business trip to Nashville. Since I was in the area I went to Costco - it was the last day for their Spring sale. I spent a lot on things I probably didn't need, but I save $23!

Susan called me about 11:30 and said her plane was delayed and would not be leaving Newport News until around 3:00 pm.

When I got home and unloaded the stuff I bought at Costco, I realized that I was missing an item. I looked around the garage, and back in my truck twice and could not find the item. How could I have misplaced this item? I was thinking that someone might have stolen it from my cart while I was eating lunch at Costco or I could have left it in the cart. I thought the later was possible because I was distracted when loading the stuff in the truck when I ran into an old friend.

Later in the day, I decided to go back and check the truck one more time. This time I looked under the back seat and there was the item. Gesh!

Susan called to say that she is finally on the plane at Patrick Henry @ 5:15 pm but now they are on a weather hold because of a thunderstorm. She got in to Nashville at about 9:30 pm CT.