Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have not been feeling well the last two days. I have horseness and sore throat.

Looks like the steroid injection is wearing off. I don't have any neck or arm pain, but I wake up with just a section of my right hand numb.

Rush Limbaugh made a great joke today:

What do Barrack Obama and God have in common?

Neither one of them have a birth certificate!

Monday, June 08, 2009

I made it through the day and finally got some sleep from about 7:30 to about noon.

I am feeling better and maybe the steroid injection is working.
Well, the day arrived and I showed up at the neurosurgeon officer at 2pm for my neck steroid injections. Now, I have had several injections into a joints in the recent past. My most recent was in my right shoulder at the orthopod. However, I am a little anxious about this one - hell an 18 gauge into your neck very near you spinal cord!

I have confidence in the doc as he is probably 65 or so, so you know he has been doing this for a while. Also, this is the first joint injection guided via fluoroscopy.

I laid down on the table in prone position and a pillow under my chest. The tech rolled the fluoroscope over to the table and it encircled me. The doc pulled his chair to the head of the table - above my head. He cleaned the area and then entered some lidocaine.

The next thing was interesting - the doc enters a catheter on needle and withdraws the needle. The he injects the steroid. There was an electrical tingling down my left arm with the cath, but I only experienced pressure with the rest of the procedure.

They had me hang around for about 15 min to make sure that I did not have any reaction to the procedure.

At home about two hours later, I started to have a headache and my right arm was hurting more than usual.  I took some Ibprofun but that did not seem to help.  Went to bed about 11:00pm but could not sleep.  Went downstairs and messed on the laptop until about 2:00am.  Still could not sleep - having a pain in my right elbow that seems to be keeping me awake.

Went downstairs again and went to work on Susan's church videos.

I did not sleep at all.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Hampton Fire Div. promotion ceremony this afternoon at City Hall.

(First of all, I am disappointing cause I am shooting with the Nikon D-200. I had to send the D-300 in to Nikon for repair. She won't focus right.)

As usually, I arrived early to make sure all my stuff was in order.

Council chambers was crowded.

I am proud of all the promotes, but some even more so as I trained several of them.


Others, well there is much to bee seen.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

My right arm and neck are still going good. I am especially happy about the lack of numbness.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I am amazed - I am nearly pain-free in my right arm and I can turn my head 180 degrees without any pain. No numbness either.

Susan and Mom left for Pittsburgh this morning. I will be by myself for at least 10 days.