Thursday, September 22, 2005

Chief is running me ragged. Worked 4 hours on Sat and have been in the office part 6 pm every day this week.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I use to keep a journal, but after getting a Mon-Fri job I felt it was not that necessary. Working shift work I felt it was important to keep a log of important things that happened in the field - just in case I had to go to court. 13 years on the road and never had to go to court. That is unusual.

I got a lot done today. I am almost caught up with my QA. Stayed at work until almost 7 pm working on QA and then a call came in for a ped vs auto. They called for airevac so I went to take pictures. Got some good shots of Nightengale landing.

Dennis asked me to come by the station and talk to him about Jim. This hit me kinda sudden so I told him to put me in for lunch tomorrow and we would talk then.

The weather is great today. Turned of the AC and opened the windows. Only problem - the crickets are loud and I am not used to the sound. Could not sleep, so here I am.